Who We Are
Your Solution.
From automating data processing needs to developing forecasting models, Bada Consulting provides rigorous data analytical expertise that unlocks key insights for clients. Our wide range of clients have benefitted from the application of sophisticated economic, financial, and statistical tools. With our client-first approach, we strive for maximum client satisfaction and the highest standards of quality.
What is Bada?
Bada, derived from the Korean language ("바다"), is best translated to English as the "Sea". Where the sea serves as the bridge between the land and the open ocean, Bada Consulting serves as the bridge between clients and the vast amounts of data yet to be discovered. We are thrilled in helping our clients extract hidden "signals" from the "noise" and are proud of our reputation in transforming complex data to easily accessible and interpretable findings. Our priority is to establish a strong connection and inter-dependent reliance between our clients and the data.